Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The world is so similar yet so different because of two reasons, one definition of things and number two because of people definition of definition itself.
Webster says definition is “Defining or being defined” now let me try to compete with Mr.Webster.

Definition to conservative person is… before that, conservative to one means being cautious, to the other it means being calculative and the rest it means what it means to them. So eventually a conservative person would probably mean definition as ‘how he defines’.

Definition to a environmentalist is… but ya first definition of environmentalist,(1) a person who does green business, (2) a person who fights for the conservation of environment or to put it better conservative environmentalist (for the definition on conservative, go back a few lines) and (3)by the rest he may be defined as a person who is gonna make big money in 5years. Anyways an environmetalist would define definiton with “green” as prefix or post fix to everything.

Definition to a musician is… but asusual, music is some means peace, to some means fun and loud, to others it means something done by musicians, to others it means the songs that come in MTV. Definition may be defined as “adding music to meanings” by musicians.

To Intellects, but lets first define intelligence, for people like many it is something that’s there is others and they look at it WOW!!! For a very few, its is something that’s like their twin living in the samebody, sharing the soul. Obviously intellects define definition like what I have defined.

Comparing the various above conclusions with Webster, he was right, very right. Definition means Definition. So the competition, I had with webster can be defined in two ways, I lost it or I made him win it better.

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