Sunday, November 29, 2009

the other side of BELIEF

What is belief? Tough question!! Believe me there can be more than as many definitions as there can actually be. BUT one thing is loud and clear… THEY ARE MAN MADE (not a gender bias statement, jus following the universal belief, which states, quoting “MAN” means all humans and quoting “WOMAN” is referring to the feminine HUMANS).
What does the other side of belief mean? Can be the conflict of various things in which we believe with the SELF & other’s self.
For example (I would consider this as a belief because I believe it is so): a person can see a corporate as
1. A bunch of people who are self centered considering the fact that they are the cause for most of the social damages that happen
2. A group of intellects who help in the progress of every human’s life style
3. A place where you would get a good STARTING salary
4. ETC…..ETC ETC…..

There are various ways of seeing the same thing, which apparently doesn’t remain the same if it is viewed differently.
But the main thing which we should understand is “we need to understand other’s view of looking at the thing”.
If we don’t believe in something we tend to call the followers an IDIOT, failing to realize that we are the idiots refusing to RESPECT other’s view of the same thing.

Let me quote two examples from what I have experienced.
1) The Vinayak Chathurthi ritual: I and my friends met at the beach as we usually do, one of my friends brought a GANESHA idol to put it in the water and practice the belief. She asked me to put it in the water. I took it, casually, went near the shore and threw the idol in to the water, by general belief I wasn’t supposed to do that. When I was questioned on my action, I asked “when we are anyway putting the idol in to the water, how does it make a difference if I throw it?”
2) The second instance is again religious, sorry if had hurt anybody’s sentiments. This is about offering flowers to the deity. As a practice in my house, we offer flowers to the deity’s photo; our maid one day accidently swept previous day’s flowers with the broom, my mom got furious on her. But I had a doubt, as usual, if any way we are going to throw the used flowers along with the rubbish. What s wrong in using the broom??

When I gave it some thought, I was behaving idiotic; what s the problem if the idol was not thrown?? What if the flowers were not swept?? Is there something wrong in doing a thing in a better & cleaner way? Is it a flaw to give some extra respect?? Considering the fact that, respect is similar to education, THE MORE WE GIVE, THE MORE WE GET.

There are lots of things we believe and others won’t, there are a lot of times when we believe something is right, where others would say it’s not. There are a lot of times when we believe what we believe is not belief.

THE OTHER SIDE OF RESPECTING THE BELIEF should be a collateral mirror image.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

4 obstacles

There are four obstacles. The first: he has heard, right from childhood, that everything he wishes to live is impossible. He grows up with this idea, and as he acquires age, he also accumulates layers of prejudices, fears, guilt. There comes a time when his Personal Legend is so deeply buried within his soul, he can no longer see it. But it is still there.

“If he has the courage to unearth his dreams, he then faces a second obstacle: love. He now knows what he desires to do, but he thinks he will harm those around him, if he gives everything up to follow his dreams. He does not understand that love is an additional impulse, not something which hinders one from going forward. He does not understand that those who truly wish him well are longing for his happiness, and are ready to accompany him on this adventure.

“After accepting love as a stimulus, a man faces the third obstacle: the fear of the defeats he will encounter along the way. A man who fights for his dream suffers far more when something doesn’t go well, because he cannot use the famous excuse: “oh, well in fact that wasn’t exactly what I wanted anyway…” He does want it, and knows he is putting everything into it, and also that the Personal Legend is just as difficult as any other path - the difference being that your heart is present on this journey. So, a warrior of the light must be prepared to be patient at difficult times, and know that the Universe is conspiring in his favor, even if he does not understand how.

- Are the defeats necessary?

- Whether necessary or not, they occur. When he begins fighting for his dreams, man has no experience, and makes many mistakes. But the secret in life is to fall seven times, and rise up eight times.

- Why is it important to live the Personal Legend, if we are to suffer just as much as others?

- Because after having overcome the defeats - and we always overcome them - we feel much more euphoria and confidence. In the silence of our hearts, we know we are worthy of the miracle of life. Each day, each hour, is part of the Good Combat. We begin to live with enthusiasm and pleasure. Very intense and unexpected suffering begins passing faster than apparently tolerable suffering: that drags on for years, eroding our soul without us noticing what is happening - until one day we can no longer free ourselves of the bitterness, and it accompanies us for the rest of our lives.

- And what is the fourth obstacle?

- After unearthing your dream, using the power of love for support, spending many years with the scars, a man realizes - from one day to the next - that everything he always wanted is right there, waiting for him, perhaps the very next day. Then comes the fourth obstacle: the fear of realizing the dream he has fought for all his life.

- That makes no sense.

- Oscar Wilde said that we always destroy the thing we love the most. And it is true. The simple possibility of achieving that which we desire causes the soul of the common man to be filled with guilt. He looks around, and sees many others who have not succeeded, and so he thinks he does not deserve it. He forgets everything he overcame, all he suffered, everything he had to renounce in order to come this far. I know many people who, when they are within reach of their Personal Legend, make a series of silly mistakes and do not attain their objective - when it was just one step away.

“This is the most dangerous of the obstacles, because it has a certain aura of sanctity about it: to renounce to joy and the conquest. But if the man is worthy of that which he has fought so hard for, he then becomes an instrument of God, aids the Soul of the World, and understands why he is there”.